IV Therapy
IV Therapy
It is a treatment based on the intravenous application of specific serums depending on the needs of the patient to improve their well-being, health and physical appearance.
Treatment description
The vein is immobilized, holding it with the thumb and pulling the skin. The needle is inserted at a 30 degree angle, with the bevel up. It is slowly aspirated and checked for reflux of blood. Withdraw the compressor and inject the drug slowly
Can save the life of a patient who is severely dehydrated, lacking in nutrients, or suffering from a massive infection
it is the best way to deliver a precise dose throughout the body in a fast and well-controlled manner
It is used for the administration of irritating solutions that would cause pain or damage tissue if used subcutaneously or by intramuscular injection.
Where is IV Therapy?
- Serum therapy is performed by intravenous application, that is, the serum goes directly through the blood flow. Its effects are rapid since the serums provide nutrients that the body absorbs directly when administered through a vein.
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